
Training reality on busy days

My workout of the day 😍💪 I almost deleted these pics. The critical me saw the rounded 1-year-postnatal belly, maternity bra that doesn’t quite fit right any more (thanks to unpredictable breastfeeding boobs!), not in my workout clothes, pool inflatables and toys all over the show. Not social media worthy… Maybe? Not the chiselled personal trainer abs you might see on another account. But this is reality!

© Ange Noy | NZ Real Health

When we’re busy we can’t always make it to the gym. This was a mini leg workout on the deck with bubba in the 10 mins I had to work with between cooking, cleaning, laptop work, a nurse appointment to get my skin checked (I’m in the clear; a reminder for you to get it done too!), mending holes in clothes, washing mountain, putting kids down for naps and going to the supermarket.

I got active. I spent social time with bubba and made her laugh. I had some time outdoors in the fresh air. All of those are wins. Exercise isn’t about being perfect – it’s about showing up and doing something for yourself 💖

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